*원제: 'How great leaders inspire action'
*강연자: Simon Sinek
사이먼 시넥은 영감을 주는 리더쉽과 관련해 금원(골든 써클)과 "왜?"라는 질문으로 시작되는 간단하지만 강력한 모형을 선보입니다. 그는 애플, 마틴 루터 킹, 라이트 형제의 사례와 그 반대 사례로(최근 법정에서의 승리로 주가가 3배 상승할 때까지는) 꽤 고군분투한 티보사의 예를 들고 있다.
Beginning as a student in anthropology, Simon Sinek turned his fascination with people into a career of convincing people to do what inspires them. His earliest work was in advertising, moving on to start Sinek Partners in 2002, but he suddenly lost his passion despite earning solid income. Through his struggle to rediscover his excitement about life and work, he made some profound realizations and began his helping his friends and their friends to find their “why” -- at first charging just $100, person by person. Never planning to write a book, he penned Start With Why simply as a way to distribute his message.
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