
캐롤 (Carol, 2015): 'is that what YOU want to be? a Photographer?'

되고 싶은 게 그거예요? 사진작가?

그런 거 같아요. 재능이 있는지 모르겠지만....

그건 다른 사람이 판단하는 거 아니에요?
당신이 할 수 있는 건 노력뿐이죠.
옳다고 느껴지는 것들은 이용하고,
나머진 버리며.

Carol: is that what you want to be? a photographer?

Therese: i think so. if i have any talent for it.

Carol: Isn't that something other people let you know you have?
and all you can do is keep working.
use what feels right.
throw away the rest.

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