
타르코프스키가 젊은이들에게 전하는 메시지 (A Message to Young People from Andrei Tarkovsky)

"젊은이들에게 어떤 말을 해주고 싶은가요?"


"글쎄요... 그들에게 단지 이것을 말해주고 싶어요.
자기 자신과 더 자주있는 것을 사랑해야 한다는 것을요.
젊은이들의 문제점은, 소란스럽고 심지어 공격적으로
다른 사람들과 함께하려는 데서 나오죠.
그렇게 행동을 하면 외로움을 느끼지 않게 되요.
그리고 그것은 곧 불편한 일이되죠. 내 관점에서는요.
내가 하고싶은 말이 '외로워져라'라는 것은 아니에요.
오히려, 혼자서도 지루하지 않고 외롭지 않게 보낼 수 있게 되어야 한다는 거죠."

#Original full script (translated into English)

*from: John's comment in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Vvdtaaprzw 


"What would you like to tell young people'?


"I don't know... I think that I would like to tell them only that...
that they were more able to be comfortable in solitude.
To love to be with only themselves more often.
I think the ruin of modern youth is entailed in that it tries
to unite on the basis of some ruckus/rowdy actions... even aggressive.
This wish to unite to not feel yourself alone is very unpleasant and is a symptom,
from my point of view. I think that a person has to learn from childhood
to be able to be alone. That's not to say "to be lonely".
It means to be able to not be bored/lonely by yourself.
Because a person who suffers from being by himself.
I imagine as a person being in danger, from a slaveish point of view".

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