
in rememberence of Roh

*written by Hongsung Kim, by refering to korean Wikipedia.
*this post is a kind of brief introduction about Roh for foriegners who are interested in Korea and its culture

盧武鉉, 1946.9.1 - 2009.5.23, 16th president of korea in 2003-2008

He was elected for the 16th president of korea and began his job in 2003 under a lot of social pressures.
He never graduated a college. So not a few of old generation looked down and ignored him. But he was a lawyer of ‘386 generations’ who hoped and accomplished 'revolution' and 'democracy' in 1980s of korea. When he was alive, so, he was loved by a lot of young generation.
His social position changing changed almost everything of him, but the true mind for the people who were struggling, suffering and dreaming.
(After leaving president office, in 2008, Roh returned to his hometown of Bongha Maeul. And He is still only one president who returned to his hometown to live after leaving office. The constantly growing numbers of visits by his political supporters were seen as a threat to the other parties.)
Fourteen months later, Roh was suspected of bribery by prosecutors, and it, the subsequent investigation, attracted public attention in the whole country.
This scandal, the defeat of its successor of the Democratic Party in the National Assembly and the defeat of Roh's designated successor in the presidential elections, marked a decline in the political fortunes of the 386 Generation that had brought Roh to power.
Roh, eventually, committed suicide on 2009.5.23 by jumping from a mountain cliff behind his home in the village which he was born in and lived his chilhood in.
About 4 million people visited Roh's hometown and the village in the week following his death.
And still there are a lot of people who remember him.  


顯忠日. The Memorial Day in Korea

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